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बारा आने बंगाली थाली

There is a restaurant in Guwahati by the name of बारा आने बंगाली थाली. I entered the restaurant with a lot of questions in my head. One, how can someone serve even a simple rice plate in 12 anas. Second, is this a restaurant that started fifty years back when Thali was available in 12 anas? Third, would the quality be alright?

So when I reached there, I found that contrary to my expectations, the place was plush. I looked at the menu card, and I found that the meal menu started from Rs.120. So, indeed the thali wasn't available in 12 anas. The meal included rice and fish, and it was delicious. But I still was puzzled by the name of the restaurant. I walked up to the counter to pay the bill. I asked the owner about the unique name of this restaurant. To my surprise, I learned that this restaurant was started only a few years back. The name conveyed the following message to its customers - we may not be able to satisfy every one of you, but we are sure that we would satisfy at least 75% of people who come here. I haven't seen such wonderful segmentation, targeting, and positioning! A dumb competitor near this restaurant has the name शोलो आना बंगाली रेस्टोरेंट.

In a podcast, Seth Godin once argued that it would be great to have a scale of 1-10 for the artists to rate their own performance. It seems counterintuitive. After all, would not all artists rate their performance as 10! But a little thought shows that if they did, then even a small flaw in their performance (which is almost always possible) would be caught by the audience, and the artist would lose his / her credibility. The challenge is who would go in first?

In our life and businesses, none of us are perfect. We err. But in all our branding and marketing communication, we portray ourselves as a 10/10 company. Would we dare to be a genuine बारा आने organization? An organization that accepts that it is not perfect, an organization that believes that it has scope to improve, an organization that exceeds customer expectations.

  • Subodh

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