I recently concluded a session for helping people finding their purpose. In these four weeks, people traveled back in time and looked at the high and low points in their life. They documented stories around these experiences. The objective was to spot the recurrent themes from the stories and identify our inner calling.
Even when the stories revealed a different theme, people stuck to their preconceived ideas about what clicked them. If identifying our inner calling is difficult, then trusting it is even more. During this process, people focused too much on their professional life. Instead, we need to find inspiration from our purpose and make it part of our vocation. Our work should be connected deeply to who we are, not a separate compartment in our life.
The next step is to recalibrate our jobs so that they are built around the purpose. Instead of jumping into a completely new profession, this approach leaves us room to maneuver and learn the essential skills. Finally, it is critical to look at the new career path as a journey. There will be ups and downs in it. During this journey, we may discover some side paths and make a detour. That is perfectly normal. There is no harm in exploring it and expanding our skill-base.
Identify your purpose.
Look how and where your interests align with your current vocation.
Avoid the lure of false paths in the journey.
Be ready to give up on the past investments if they do not match your inner calling. Avoid the fallacy of the sunk cost.
Think long-term.
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