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The Power of Consistency

People have struggled to stay afloat during the pandemic. We have experienced several troughs in the past too. I have heard business owners speaking about a bad year for many years now. Yet, when I check for the actions taken to rebound, there are none. People like to wait for the tide to turn back on its own.

You look at your cell phone, and the battery is running low. What do you do? You immediately look for a charger and power up. The phone does not charge on its own. We take conscious action.

There are many things people can do to reverse the downturn.

  1. Collaboration.

  2. Upskilling.

  3. Hiring the right people.

  4. Diversification.

We desire a consistent flow of orders, consistent cash flow, consistent reviews. However, most often, in all these initiatives, people lack consistency. If a program does not yield immediate results, they give up. Either they jump to the next one or wait for divine intervention. Many times things just happen if you show up every single day.

If you currently in a downturn in your personal/professional life, start by changing your behavior. Pick an initiative/action that you can do every single day to get a little bit closer to your end goal. Have that unwavering belief that you will surely tide over the difficult times but do not put an end date to it. Think of small wins, and you shall one day not only prevail over your problems but thrive.


  1. Be brutally honest with yourself. Ask whether you are really taking any action to reverse the downfall.

  2. Planning is fine but are you really taking action to move forward? Make sure you are taking baby steps.

  3. Do the things consistently, and do not give up.

  • Subodh

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