The Axe Effect - These words trigger in our mind images of women getting attracted to young guys. These words and the following sequence of events are so engraved in our
minds that the company literally owns them.
The product has a clear target market viz. Young Men. It has a perceptive differentiation viz. Attract Women. Once upon a time, they commanded a whopping 30% plus of market share. I am sure their Gross Margin would be sky-high.
Engage Perfume upped the ante by targeting lovers instead of only the male category. Also, instead of lust, they promoted a softer form of attraction - natural in young people.
The result: They have displaced Axe to number 5 position. Here is a link to their latest Ad.
End quote: The Quality and Features of your product are never the differentiators. It is about the Perception you create in the mind of the customer about what your product does.
Do you own any words in the mind of your customers? If not, start thinking about it. It is equally (actually more) important than adding new features to your products/services.
PS: Ye to bada toing hai - Which is the product?