Step 1:
Remove your name and logo from the Ad.
Step 2: Remove your contact address.
Will people be able to identify your advertisement from that of the competition?
Chances are they won't.
What does it reveal?
Our products are me-too. Therefore, our Ads are essentially a list of features and specifications.
Media is expensive. Valuable real estate on an Ad copy is wasted aplenty.
So, what can we do?
Have a clear objective of what you wish to accomplish with the ad.
Create an ad with a singular focal point that could meet that objective.
Write an eye-catching Headline.
Keep the main message short.
Include an irresistible offer.
Create urgency and a clear call to action.
That's it.
People would tell that it's your Ad based on the design and the problems you commit to resolve. Own that word in the mind of the customer. That's the recipe for standing out in a crowd.